We spent the day taking care of more end-of-trip errands. Jennifer stayed in the Hague to get some rest and did some shopping during the day and I made one last trip to Eindhoven in southern Holland to visit family.
It turned into a very pleasant day here in Holland with good weather and time spent with family. I am looking forward to being back in my normal routine at home but it is a little sad that this wonderful adventure needs to end.
In preparation for delivering the car to the shipper in Rotterdam I decided to have the car washed one last time at ANAC Car Wash in Eindhoven. The evening drive back to the Hague was pleasant with a beautiful sunset and light traffic. A nice way to spend my final extended drive in Holland!
Our last full day will be spent taking care of final trip preparations. By tomorrow afternoon I will have to say goodbye to JCW MCS for about six weeks... I know I'll miss the car when I'm back in L.A.!
Have a safe journey home. What a fantastic holiday you had, I think a lot of people would give their left you know what for the chance to do half of what you have accomplished. I'm for one very jealous.
My wife and I leave for Minis In The Mountains very early Monday morning. We have been getting products ready, packaging T-Shirts, clocks and so on. Next... Pack the MINI! Did a dry run and it looks like we'll be fine. Be back on 9/20 with picks for the blog. Gonna stop at the Gateway Auto museum on the way there. looks very nice.
Nothing like your trip but what would compare, maybe Phineas Fogg's journey. But going to Santa Fe after MITMs and getting to eat at Pasqual's, Shed and Geronimo's..... that's a good thing.
Vaya Con Dios, RB
It's been nice corresponding with you and I hope you have a fun and successful MITM event! Don't forget about Maria's in Santa Fe (the carne adovada is delicious)... I always go there if I visit.
I'll stop by your blog to see how things are going on your trip.
Cheers and safe travels,
Maria's, hum never eaten there. Usually do Tia Sophia's for breakfast or of course Pasquals. Saw Dennis Weaver there one morning a looooong time ago.
I wish I could post from the road but no lap top. If Apple would just drop the price.
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