A view we won't be seeing soon: old and new windmills alongside the freeway
Looks like this will be my last post from Europe. We're checked into our hotel next to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and relaxing before tomorrow's flight home.
Earlier in the day we left the Hague to check into our hotel, drop off the luggage, and then head down to Rotterdam to drop off the car at the shipping company.
As I was packing the car I noticed a work van parking nearby in the parking lot of the complex where we were staying. I noticed that the driver had gotten out of the car and was looking in my direction with a shocked expression on his face. I looked back and it just so happens that my cousin Ken had arrived to work in a nearby townhouse. He didn't know that we were staying close by and he just happened to show up as I was loading the car! Now, Holland is a small country... but it definitely isn't THAT small! This was not planned at all so the odds of this happening were tiny. Well, we had a chance to chat and say our goodbyes again. Definitely a huge surprise for all of us!
Cousin Ken's Surprising Visit
After getting the car loaded we drove to Schiphol to drop off our luggage and check into the hotel. We first stopped by Hertz at the airport to say "hi" to our good friend Brian. He's originally from Pasadena, California but has spent many years living in the Netherlands. We thought we'd bring the L.A. car by before dropping it off. It's not a sight he sees everyday and he does see plenty of cars!
Dropping by Hertz at Schiphol Airport to bring a bit of California to our friend Brian who originally came from Pasadena, California but now works and lives in the Netherlands
After visiting with Brian it was off to the hotel. We dropped off our luggage before heading down to the port of Rotterdam.
A picture for "rb": a fully loaded MINI for a six week jaunt through Europe. Actually, we didn't have quite as much on our road trip and I always had a good view out the back. If you remove the duffel bag on top and the rear shelf then that would more closely resemble how the car looked when fully loaded
We finally made it to the port and dropped off the car.
Checking the car in at the shipper's office and making sure there are no dents, dings or scratches!
After the car was dropped off we took the train back from Rotterdam to the Hague. We visited with our good family friends Maude, Ferry, and Bob. After the visit it was time for dinner and then it was back to the airport area and our hotel.
Jennifer with Maude, Bob, and Ferry
Next stop: Los Angeles
What an adventure! I'm glad I've had the chance to share this trip with all of our friends, both new and old, and with our family. A special thanks needs to go out to our parents Ben and Nel for supporting us in making this adventurous idea a reality. Without their support we could never have made this trip.
Thanks for the pic, very kool. Been nice seeing into your fun trip and talking about Europe and MINI.
BTW, what's with all the tall Hollanders?
Yep, the Dutch are per capita the tallest people in the world and they're still growing!
Pretty healthy country... guess they're doing something right!
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