Yesterday we made our way down part of the Romantische Strasse to the Neuschwanstein castle and then on into Munich. I failed to mention earlier that the "service engine soon" light has been off since we left Salzburg. I think that the extreme heat (40 degrees C!) of southern Europe caused the light to go on even though the diagnostic check showed no issues. Cooler temps appears to have resolved the problem.
Today, the sun was shining so we took advantage of the good weather to get out before the rain came down again. Our first stop: MINI Muenchen located right next to BMW Worldwide headquarters.
BMW and Beer
Later in the day we took a guided tour around central Munich to catch a glimpse of sights we would otherwise miss and then Jennifer and I left the keys to the MINI at the hotel and had a fun evening out at the Hofbraeu. See the video to get a flavor of the good times there.
1 comment:
That's what I like to see, two fisted drinking. =;¬) That restaurant looked lively and fun. Didn't see Robert up doing the polka though? Wazzupwitdat?
My wife and wondered how the germans stay healthy with their diet as it seems to us. Our dutch families think that Germans and us Yanks are a lot alike.
I'm sure BMW let you in all the top secret stuff so you can now scoop Gabe.
Didn't make the SCMM run today. Too much stuff undone for my vendor spot at MINI's In The Mountains, coming up sooner that I want.
Auf Wiedersehen, RB
BTW, odd thing happening when I put in the word verification below... I have to do it twice. At first I thought it was my misspelling but I had my wife check it this last time and my spelling was OK. Maybe it's a Safari browser thing as I'm using a beta version since I 1st started doing your blog.
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