Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Time to Update the Blog

Cousin Kenny from Holland and family and friends get together at my place.

Greetings all,

I've been pretty busy the past several weeks with moving house, entertaining relatives from overseas, and work. I need to sit down and get up-to-date with my auto/motorcycle news.

Specifically: the MINI is back!

I'll have pictures to post about the MINI and last weekend's Hansen Dam British Motorcycle event and the Southern California All French and Italian Car Meet.

Stay tuned!


RB said...

Last weekend I did the VDC tour with the SoCal MINI Maniacs. I had a nice time with my fellow SCMM members. BMW even gave us lunch. Best moments; 7 series Hydrogen car and seeing the new 1 series in person. Not much MINI stuff, this is new info. I was hoping to see the Clubman, nope. Well I did get to see a quick glimpse of one in Ventura a few weeks ago.

Glad you got your MINI back hope it survived the journey unscathed.


Robert said...

Wish I could have attended the VDC tour. Well, there's always next year!