Thursday, April 2, 2009

Folks, MINI United is just around the corner and I'm making my plans to attend (sans car this year!). Go ahead and visit and MINI for event and programming information. White Roof Radio also has an interview up with Gina Koutros of MINI USA that outlines the benefits for the American group heading over to Silverstone Circuit in the UK. Should be a blast!

It's MINI's 50th birthday. You aren't going to miss it, are you?


RB said...

Nice seeing you and Jennifer at AMVIV.

I hope that I will be able to go to to MINI United as I will be visiting my daughter in Holland at that time.
Maybe we'll will see each other.

MONDO MINIs said...

Hey Apon! Glad I found your blog! It was nice meeting you and your wife at MU. We had a blast and already miss all the wonderful people we met there. Please drop by and say hello to the rest of us! =) All the best,

Robert said...

Hi Lawrence,

Thanks for stopping by. I'll try to drop by when I have a chance.
