Todd Pearson and db from White Roof Radio, the MINI podcast, interview me at Jillian's Restaurant on the Universal Studios L.A. Citywalk as part of MINIUSA's MINI Takes the States nationwide event. The closing weekend took place in Los Angeles and I had the opportunity to meet and greet familiar faces and meet new MINI friends. My time was very limited this weekend but it was nice to be in the company of MINI folks! At least the drive to this event was a lot shorter than the trip to MINI United 2007 in the Netherlands!
I couldn't attend the Saturday festivities and concert but a good time on Friday night at Jillian's and a fun run from the Rose Bowl in Pasadena and up Angeles Crest Highway in the San Gabriel Mountains and then back to the Rose Bowl on Sunday made for a fun MINI motoring weekend.
Please visit White Roof Radio for the playable/downloadable radio segment.
My interview begins at about 19'19" of the 25 minute segment just after the interview with David Eichenberg, a regular on the "Sex and the City" television series.
For more on MINI Takes the States 2 please visit this link: http://blog.minitakesthestates.com/
How did we miss each other Sunday?! I have been driving Angeles Crest since I was 16.
We arrived late on Sunday right when cars were being released for the run up Angeles Crest. We were let into the line about mid-pack and we drove withoug directions. As it turns out, the group we were with did not appear to know where we were going either so once we passed Newcomb's Ranch I realized that we were going way too far. I and two other cars behind me raced back down the mountain and caught up with a pack returning to the Rose Bowl. We caught the tail-end of lunch and then spent the remaining time chatting with Jim McDowell. Would have liked to chat with you again as well, but the event was coming to a close and people started to leave.
Guess that's what happens when you show up late! Actually, I'm lucky I got there at all after the late wedding reception!
Odd, I was about mid pack also. I got a good shot from Mt Wilson's turnaround area back down to Angeles Crest when some site seeing MINI's pulled over for me... then hit some motorcycle traffic that never got with the program and wouldn't let me by at the passing line area! F'rs!
The club SCMM is doing a run today, 8/23, to Big Bear and back. I have to work on getting Twisty back to some kind of online form.
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